Work Smarter, Not Harder

A group of people sitting around a table.

Developed with Real World Experience

25 years Experience

100+ Projects

$6.5+ Billion in Capital Projects

Visualize Your Projects

A man in a suit holding out his hands has carved a niche for itself as essential project management software, primarily due to its exceptional capability to bring projects to life visually. As a result, it’s no wonder that it has risen to prominence as the top-rated solution in search of a powerful yet budget-friendly tool.

To start with, provides an Agile cloud-based project management platform, a necessity in the fast-paced business world of today. It offers immediate feedback and real-time collaboration features, enabling teams to work in unison, irrespective of their geographical locations. Additionally, the software’s automated diagrams and charts transform intricate data into a format that’s easy to comprehend, thereby expediting decision-making processes.

What sets apart is its device versatility. Be it a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, the software molds itself to your lifestyle, ensuring that you can oversee your projects at any time and from anywhere. Furthermore, its engaging content and interactive components turn ordinary project data into enthralling multimedia experiences.

The cloud-based convenience of guarantees that all your project files and reports are synced across devices. As a result, you can make edits on one device and present from another without any inconvenience. Moreover, the platform’s real-time collaboration tools simplify communication and boost project team dynamics.

Significantly, employs sophisticated mathematics and analytics to deliver accurate project status updates, thereby eliminating the risks of human error and miscommunication. You can, therefore, rely on the software to provide an honest depiction of your project’s progression.

Moreover, what makes the Best Project Calculator to manage a project is it is both affordable and user-friendly. Unlike other software that can be costly and complex, demystifies project management without sacrificing quality or functionality.

In summary, is more than just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that enables companies to manage their projects with precision and transparency. As such, it’s the best free project management software for visualizing your projects, boasting a range of features that are both innovative and easy to use. Therefore, it’s the preferred choice for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Automated project dashboards & gantts Access on Any Device

Unleashing Interactivity with our Cloud-Based Program

  • Device Freedom

  • Engaging Content

  • Real-Time Collaboration

  • Cloud Convenience


Accessible on any device, our program adapts to your lifestyle—whether you’re commuting or relaxing at home.


Say goodbye to static presentations. Our program weaves interactive magic with multimedia elements and animations.


Team up seamlessly. Edit, collaborate, and create together no matter where you are.


Sync across devices effortlessly. Edit on one, present from another. The cloud keeps your content in harmony.

Unlock Your Project's Potential


Empower Your Decisions with Real-Time Insights

At Speedicalc, we specialize in turning project management into a seamless and insightful experience. We've guided companies to substantial cost savings and provided deeper insights into project health, enabling smarter, more effective decision-making.

Visualize Success with Instant Updates

Our platform offers real-time cost tracking, schedule updates, and earned value analytics, all distilled into easy-to-understand reports and visuals. Imagine having the power to foresee the outcome of your projects and steer them towards success, every time.

Are You Facing These Challenges?

- Budget overruns that disrupt your financial planning?

- Deadlines slipping through the cracks?

- Inconsistent project management methods that cloud data comparison?

- Reports lacking the detail needed for strategic decisions?

- Unnecessary meetings eating into your productive time?


If You Answered "Yes" to any of these, You're Not Alone & We Can Help

We're not just another tool; we're your project's ally. We ensure that you spend less time wrestling with data and more time leading your projects to triumph.

Overcome Objections with Confidence

We understand the hurdles you face. That's why our clients are delighted with how our project calculator has revolutionized their workflow, allowing them to focus on managing projects effectively and enhancing their decision-making process.

Real-Time Reports at Your Fingertips

With our solution, the wait for monthly reports is over. Gain 24/7 access to critical project insights, enabling immediate communication and action. Elevate your team's performance and keep your leadership informed and proactive.

Ready to Transform Your Project Management?

Join the ranks of successful teams who have chosen Speedicalc. Let's connect and explore how we can elevate your projects together.

A hand is touching the screen of a tablet.

Quick Question

Would you do a math test without a math calculator? Of course not. So why would you do a project without a project calculator?

How Speedicalc Stands Out

We have better formatted dashboards, charts, graphs, and KPIs than any project scheduling software. We use Microsoft Excel, so you don't need to use CSV files converted from your 3rd party project management software to Excel to produce graphs, charts, or other KPIs. Additionally, we're a stand-alone program. Meaning we do not require 3rd party scheduling software (i.e. MS Project, Primavera) to determine Earned Value, it's built in.

Any Project | Any Industry

Enter your budget and schedule data like you always do, but instead of having to continue to perform manual operations, the Speedicalc Project Calculator automatically calculates status and provides reports, charts, graphs, Gantts, KPIs and more!

Automated Charts & Graphs Get stunning visuals with ease


Using baked-in earned value to track your progress is one of the main reasons Speedicalc is the Best Project Calculator for project management and project control. As you enter data, the software updates the status and completion of each activity and the whole project. It also produces various charts and KPIs to help you visualize your performance. In this way, you can monitor your project's health and make informed decisions. 

We also are able to provide even more stunning visuals and additional interactive features by applying Power BI to all your project data. This allows quick insights and abilities to adjust charts for even more insight into your projects. Plus, you can share with any stakeholder (i.e. CEOs and other Top Management) so they always have the most up to date information about the company's investments. 


You might be wondering what makes Speedicalc different from other earned value management and project management software. Some of the major drawbacks are they are very expensive, complicated, and may depend on separate 3rd party scheduling software, which can be unreliable or inaccurate. Speedicalc is affordable, user friendly, and standalone. It is also based in Excel, which is what almost everyone eventually uses to produce charts, graphs and other KPIs for reports. Yet we are based in Excel and provide all the charts, graphs, Gantts, and other KPIs for you. Therefore, you should choose Speedicalc for your next project. 

A person holding a tablet with a graph on it.
A man holding his hand out in front of him.

INSTANT FEEDBACK A Crystal Ball of Project Insight

Customers, behold! The EVM system, powered by Speedicalc, is akin to a crystal ball, offering a real-time glimpse into the heart of your project’s journey. With this enhanced visibility, you can peer into the future of project progress and performance.

Imagine a world where tedious tasks are no longer a problem. That's the benefit of our agile cloud-based project management software. 

Not only can you access your project from anywhere, but you can also get real-time updates on its progress. 

Moreover, our automatic reports and KPI visuals allow you to monitor your project's status. These features enable you to keep track of your budget and schedule, and prevent any unexpected issues or delays. 

Another advantage of our project calculator project management software is that you can simplify your project planning with our templates. Just fill-in your project details and watch it take shape! 

No matter what kind of project you have, our templates are adaptable to any size, scope, or complexity. Our cloud-based Project management software is the ultimate solution for your project needs.




Managing and controlling any project, regardless of its size, is one of the main challenges and complexities that you may face. 

At Speedicalc, we understand how difficult and demanding project management can be. We also realize that reporting is not the most exciting or rewarding part of your job. It can take away valuable time and energy from the actual project work. That's why we have created this project calculator, a PMIS tool, to make life easier. Our PMIS tool communicates automatically with the on-site and office staff, so you don't have to waste time on emails or phone calls. It also updates and formats all the data files and reports, so you don't have to deal with spreadsheets or slides. 

Speedicalc users quickly see why we are the best project calculator. With our PMIS tool, you can concentrate on your project and let us handle the reporting. You can trust our PMIS tool to take care of the administrative aspects of your project, while you unleash your technical and creative potential. 

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

Improves Team's Collaboration & Productivity The Power of Real-time Updates

Using Speedicalc software has many benefits for your project, such as automatically calculating and analyzing all project data. This allows the project team to access the project reports and status information and make the best decisions on next steps.

Moreover, the team can save time by not having to gather data and prepare Gantts, charts and other KPIs before critical team meetings. Instead, they can focus on the most important tasks and issues.

Another advantage of using our software is that it integrates with our Microsoft Teams platform, which enhances the communication and collaboration of the project team. It provides video conferencing features, the option to integrate 3rd party applications, and many other functionalities that can improve the project performance and efficiency.

By using Speedicalc software and Microsoft Office 365 together, you can boost your project success and satisfaction.

Our Background

Having over $6.5 billion and more than 24 years of experience, we are a company that can handle and oversee various projects across different sectors.

In addition, we have worked with some of the most prestigious Fortune 100 and Global 100 companies, who entrust us with their large-scale construction projects.

Furthermore, we have successfully completed or are currently working on a wide range of projects, such as: renewable energy power plants (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, combined technologies), fossil fuel power plants, corporate office buildouts, MEP for small to high-rise buildings, food & beverage production line design & installation, and more. As a result, we are thrilled to have a track record and a reputation as a reliable and innovative partner in the construction industry.